Kinder Garten

The picture posted at the top and bottom of this post is due to the kind courtesy of the Japanese website
Friedrich Wilhelm August Frobel, 1782 -1852, (or Froebel since the 'o' is with an umlaut) invented the concept of the kindergarten and laid the foundation for modern education based on the recognition that children have unique needs and capabilities.
The singing of Nursery Rhymes is often a part of Kinder Garten curiculum. Some modern psychologists are unsure of the effect of some hidden violence that exists in some of the classical English Nursery Rhymes. The present author has composed new versions to eliminate this violence. These new versions along with an excellent introduction to the English Alphabet for preschoolers can be found in the book - Magical Alphabet.
This book is the basis of the first recorded video episodes of the Reading Lady that has been aired widely on Public Access TV in more than twenty five states of the US. For more details please check:
Electronic copies of the book may be downloaded free from:
Once dowloaded any user may feel free to make and distribute printed copies for the use of children anywhere in the world. Formally published and printed copies may also be obtained from the same website but these are costly because of the extensive color prints in the book.
Besides the teaching of reading, writing and arithmetic, an essential component of primary school needs to be the teaching of the Science of Living or more simply how to live well. This teaching can begin at the nursery school level through stories and activities.
At the nursery school level, one can learn how to share and play fair; the importance of little words like please, sorry and thank you; not to hit other and to be kind not just to humans but also animals, insects, plants and flowers; not taking things that belong to others and learning the importance of cleanliness and order by cleaning up one’s own mess, putting things back where they belong including displaced furniture, lining up in a cue and waiting one’s turn to be served patiently, picking litter from the garden or road and putting it in a bin (by a garden or road that is intentionally littered for the activity) while singing a song (to create an association with joy); washing hands before eating, reminder of brushing twice a day, to watch out on the road and when one goes out in the world, to hold hands and the importance of being punctual, after numbers from one to twelve have been taught along with how to read a clock. To speak truthfully and to sing and dance and be joyous etc. The learning acquired at the primary school level can stay with a person all of his or her life.
UPDATE: December 2013: Please also check out two new books to introduce preschool children to numbers 'Preschool Arithmetic" and "New Preschool Arithmetic" by Ashok Malhotra at Amazon. The first book is intended for the age group three to four and the second for four to five year olds
