
Showing posts from September 25, 2010

Froebel Education Trust

An organization needs to be created to carry out any substantial educational activity. It is proposed that a Trust managed by a Board of Trustees come into being in order to carry out the education programs as visualized by the author. The name of this trust shall be ‘Froebel Education Trust’. The name honors one of the leading human contributors to education of the youngest of children on our planet – Friedrich Froebel. Friedrich Froebel was born in Central Germany in 1782. He was a deeply spiritual man and a scientist who was drawn to the field of education of the young. His gift to the world was to point us in the right direction for educating our children and ourselves, a profound understanding of relationships between humans, the physical world, and our spiritual nature. The most profound aspect of his work is his trust and admiration for the perfect order of the universe and his belief that each child is a unique part of this universe waiting for the proper nourishment to unfold...