Namo Adarsh Schools for Villages in India
M ahatma Gandhi had said that India cannot progress in a true sense until its villages progress. The majority of Indians still live in its villages and they are in a sense the soul of the nation. In recent times Prime Minister Narendra Modi has revived this theme and expressed the desire to begin with model villages called Adarsh Grams. For various reasons the scheme has not taken off due to various constraints among them budgetary ones. A way to overcome this is to combine infrastructure that already exists in villages with other needs of a village. One such is the post office that has now been increasingly used for essential banking needs as well as some other government services such as the issue of Adhhar cards. A school is also an essential infrastructure in villages and it too can be provided to give more services to villagers in a way that improves both school and village life. The services that a school can provide in a village are: Treated drinki...