Froebel Education Trust
An organization needs to be created to carry out any substantial educational activity. It is proposed that a Trust managed by a Board of Trustees come into being in order to carry out the education programs as visualized by the author. The name of this trust shall be ‘Froebel Education Trust’. The name honors one of the leading human contributors to education of the youngest of children on our planet – Friedrich Froebel. Friedrich Froebel was born in Central Germany in 1782. He was a deeply spiritual man and a scientist who was drawn to the field of education of the young. His gift to the world was to point us in the right direction for educating our children and ourselves, a profound understanding of relationships between humans, the physical world, and our spiritual nature. The most profound aspect of his work is his trust and admiration for the perfect order of the universe and his belief that each child is a unique part of this universe waiting for the proper nourishment to unfold and develop his or her potential.
Prior to choosing this name the author did a google search to ascertain that there is no other trust yet by this name. Although, there are many educational institutions around the world that use the name of Friedrich Froebel, google search indicated that none exist by the precise name of ‘Froebel Education Trust’. The organizations launched by this Froebel Education Trust may be given other names such as the Froebel School or Froebel Institute.
The photo here is of Kailash Mountain in the Himalayas and is due to a friend _Anoop Gulati.
Froebel Education Trust
Document Dated the Twentieth of September 2010 by Ashok Malhotra at Jaipur, India
1. The aims and objectives of the trust shall be to support or carry out any formal or informal educational activity of children or adults that promotes human welfare and is not inconsistent with the prevailing laws, rules and regulations of the countries or places in which such activity is carried out. The objectives have been defined here in broad terms so as to permit the Board of Trustees to visualize and develop new and useful programs.
2. At this founding stage there is only one trustee of this trust i.e. this author –Dr. Ashok Malhotra. It is intended that the trust be expanded to have at the most twelve trustees but the Trust may function with as few as one member.
3. Each new member of the trust shall be added (or removed especially incase the trustee becomes inactive) subsequent to the approval of at least fifty per cent of the existing trustees or the founder chairman of the trust i.e. this author. The founder chairman may however not be removed thus. This last provision has been added because in the experience of this author once an organization is established its original agenda is at times hijacked by others and taken in directions not originally visualized. Some such thing happened in the welfare and development society of the residential area the author currently lives in, of which he was one of the founders. Vacancies for new trustees shall be filled in a similar manner. In general the persons so chosen shall be persons who can contribute substantially to the aims of the trust through their effort, knowledge or material contributions. New members may be found through invitation or an expression of interest. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees shall be this founder.
4. The Board of Trustees shall be the final and highest authority in deciding all policies, activities and the procedures for carrying out the activities of this Trust. Decisions of Board Meetings shall be recorded in minutes of the meeting before becoming effective. The meetings may be conducted in person or electronically. The Board of Trustees may appoint other boards for specific activities such as school boards and such other boards may include some or all of the trustees as well as others.
5. The Trust with the name 'Froebel Education Trust' is initially launched by a token sum of Rupees 11000/- (eleven thousand only) held in hand by the author. At any stage the funds of the Trust become substantial it shall held in recognized major banks and the funds from such accounts may be withdrawn through signatures of at least two of the following three members – The Chairman, Co-Chairman and a Treasurer General. The Treasurer General may or may not be a trustee. For example he may be a professional accountant or Chief Executive of one of the organizations launched by the trust. The Treasurer General shall be appointed or changed from time to time by the Board of Trustees.
6. The Brevity of this document is intentional so that other articles can be added later through a deliberation of the Trustees. However the six articles as written here may not be changed or made ineffective by any other contrary ones.
7. May God help to carry forward any such activities of this trust that help to improve the quality of life on our Planet
UPDATE, MAY 2014: Because of events subsequent to the floating of this idea, it has not been possible to launch this trust. nevertheless this blog has remained and is used by the author from time to time for education related posts.