While modern children have become wizards at electronic
devices with even three year olds using a smart phone like a professional, they
are not as good at basic skills such as reading, writing and arithmetic. Some of
the modern methods of teaching these subjects at school is not helping much
either. These are essential skills that a human needs not just through all of
their education but also to navigate successfully through life.
For my own grandchildren, I had to go back to reviewing what
I had learned in primary school and develop teaching material in the simplest
possible way to teach them some more arithmetic at home besides what they learned
at school. I have to admit that the task was just as challenging as advanced
mathematics I used in my career as a scientist and professor of engineering.
However, the end result of the effort was completely satisfactory. Realizing it
would be useful for other parents as well the material has been compiled in a
set of colorful books for ages from four to seven. These books are available
widely at all Amazon and other major online retailers. The books are listed below for interested
parents with young children. There is even one for three year old developed
for my god grandson Golu but that has only numbers from one to three and
stories. It is therefore not listed