The most essential requirement to develop a schoolis that of land . Buildings and other facilities can develop over a period of time but the allotted land remains fixed. In present day India, land is available at a premium near centers of population. Away from towns and cities abundant land a reasonable rates may be found more easily, however it is of little use for children who are not expected to spend more than fifteen minutes or half an hour to commute to school.
In present day India many kindergartens are located on small lots of crowded localities. Such schools do not have room for even a small garden leave alone a play field. The Froebel Education Trust does not support this concept. It recommends that a kindergarten lot must be at least half an acre that includes a garden play area under the shade of trees; a kindergarten cum primary school lot at least one acre and a school that has the potential to develop into a high school must be at least five acres. Larger lots have the scope of including boarding facilities for older children that have completed primary and middle school (grade eight) as well as residential facilities for some staff. Boarding facilities for younger children is not recommended by the Froebel Education trust.
In present day India many kindergartens are located on small lots of crowded localities. Such schools do not have room for even a small garden leave alone a play field. The Froebel Education Trust does not support this concept. It recommends that a kindergarten lot must be at least half an acre that includes a garden play area under the shade of trees; a kindergarten cum primary school lot at least one acre and a school that has the potential to develop into a high school must be at least five acres. Larger lots have the scope of including boarding facilities for older children that have completed primary and middle school (grade eight) as well as residential facilities for some staff. Boarding facilities for younger children is not recommended by the Froebel Education trust.