Beware of attractive Advertisements

Very often the public is taken in by claims of a commercial product or service through their catchy advertisements. However they must remain cautious of them because often the worth of a product or service is inversely proportional to the percentage expenditure they incur on Ads. While this is true of all products and services across the board it is even truer of a service industry like education, health, housing, processed food and fashion i.e the most baisc of basic needs of humans where it is easy for greedy sharks to make suckers out of the gullible.. To verify this, check out that the best educational institutes do not have big ads in media. The good institutions do not need an ad. They provide a needed service and word of mouth is enough to keep them in demand. At the most they would have a plain small announcement. On the other hand the poorest institutions carry out big full page ads, even serial TV advertisements. The same holds for the housing builder lobby, medical industry and a huge number of consumer products. The commercial builder lobby has stuffed many humans across the world into insect like homes stacked up as apartment buildings, when they would have been much better off on a smaller row house even where they can call the ground under their feet and the sky over their head their own.


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