A Revolutionary New Move to Improve School Education in India

The future of a nation lies in how its children are educated

Since independence from British, there has been much governance deficit in India and the quality of things a government is supposed to do such as water and electricity supply, health and education, roads and sanitation etc.has been poor in many parts of India. While many of these areas may not have a long term impact, one thing that surely does is education because this influences a human for life, even his children, and thus the future of a nation is adversely affected if education is poor.

While the quality of most government run schools has been poor, government personnel have circumvented the difficulty by putting there own children in more expensive privately run schools that offer a better quality of education. The family that ruled India most since independence, the Gandhi family educated their children in the most expensive schools designed by the British in India and also abroad. These are however not affordable to a large section of the population but a revolutionary new decision by a High Court of one of the largest run provinces in India, The Allahabad High Court, may change all that in a hurry. They have dictated that all government personnel must educate their children in government schools. Now there will be a real incentive for the government to improve these schools. It is hoped that similar decisions would follow in all the provinces of India taking this as a precedent.

Presently the court has left a loop hole. A government servant who does not comply has to pay a fine that would be used to improve the government schools. However, as a first step this appears all right so that the change can be implemented in full in phases. It is hoped that this loop hole too would be closed soon.

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Vinod Khurana said…
Bureaucrats will create some elite govt. schools for their children. And even if that happens atleast education begins to improve where it lies neglected. IIT's are an example.

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