Links are Welcome

If you have or know of a website dealing with Nursery School or Primary School education your link is welcome here. Just leave the link as a comment (even as text but beginning with http:// ). I shall prepare a special link list for the right column of the blog and post it there.


keiko amano said…

This is "Kurarika," the extra curricular science program that our fellow Japanese blogger, Iida-san has been showing their activities.

On this day, Jan. 18, the theme was "The Magic of Propellers." From the blue sign, I see six names of senior volunteers. They are graduates of Tokyo Institute of Technology. This group supports their local community in Tokyo in advancement of science.

Under 「くらりか」カテゴリの最新記事
the latest news on "Kurarika," you can see all the activities. If you have any questions, please let me know. I think those volunteers probably would like to hear your idea on education and science and the situation in India.
ProfAshok said…
Keiko, I checked out that link but it was completely in Japanese (except for the name Kazu) so I could not read anything there.

The work sounds interesting especially if they can design simple science programs that are fun for children. I will be delighted if any of them post in this blog in English and tell something about their work.
keiko amano said…

That's why I provided you with a keyword

You can use a Japanese translation software available online. His description is brief, so I think you can get a feel of what they are doing. That's all. When I see Indian photos, even though I cannot understand devanagari, I still use my imagination to enjoy and understand the scenes.
ProfAshok said…
Thanks Keiko, I shall try.
keiko amano said…

Not that I don't trust your imagination, but I thought this might help. So, I translated Iida-san's most recent web site.

Please take a look and if you like, I can translate your questions to Iida san.
ProfAshok said…
Thanks Keiko for the translation. It is really inspiring work that Lida San is doing.

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