The School with an Institute

There is a need to survey the latest as well as classical curriculums and activities of leading kindergarten and primary schools from around the world. A comparative study and selection of best practices is the need of the hour. Different countries and different schools may excel in one area or the other of primary education while being deficient in other areas. A comprehensive survey and study of available practices can lead to a selection that is best suited to the needs of modern children in different parts of the world. Besides the curriculum, there is also a need to study the scheduling of activities over a day, week and year in order to arrive at the best practices. Little children need much care and protection. The procedures evolved in different schools to ensure that such care is provided within the school and while a child commutes from home to school and back need to be examined and deliberated upon.
In order to make such a study possible there is a need for an International Center of Excellence where a few educators and researchers at a time, from different parts of the world, can congregate for periods ranging from a few months to a few years to carry out the study. Such a center needs to be free from the considerations of governments, political parties, religious organizations etc. so that the finding are not tainted by special interests or constraints. An independent foundation is perhaps the best possible organization to launch such a center. If the Froebel Education Trust succeeds in raising the resources for it, the setting up of such a school and institute will be high on its priority.
The wide availability of the Internet and other modern communication methods make the task of locating such a center in virtually any part of the modern world possible. It is possible to locate such a center in a campus that houses a model kindergarten and
Primary school as well as office and residential facilities for visiting investigators. It goes without saying that the Institute needs to be located in attractive surroundings for international investigators to be attracted to it. Locating an institute and school on the same campus permits some of the findings of such an institute to be tested close at hand for practical feedback. It also assists in developing the attached primary school as a model one. Other schools may then emulate the curriculums and practices of such a school if they wish to. It will be advantageous for any primary school in the world to be able to get the surveyed information through a journal of the institute, on the Internet and in print.
Congratulation on this important project. I didn't know this site. Today I looked at your profile and found out. I just finished reading all your posts. I'm excited for you and your community and India. I want to see much interaction from other educators around the world. I think the process of your project will contribute to more understanding, therefore it will connect to the world peace.
I look forward to discussing with you especially on the education opportunity relating to the national languages.
Have you seen Sumathi Mohan's blog?
She is also in Red Room and Facebook. She is the Principal of a school in India.