Preschool Arithmetic Education for Children

Preschool Arithmetic Experts differ as to their opinion on what the correct age is to begin formal education starting at class one of a primary school for children. Some suggest an age of five and others seven but all agree hat it should be for children five years or older. Below the age of five a child may remain entirely out of school as this author did or he may spend a few hours a day at a play school that includes nursery and kindergarten. The latter should include mainly play activities. A preschool may be considered at age four or more only if one can be found where loving care is guaranteed and if a secure way to take the child to that play school and bring him back home in two or three hours can be organized.. Imposing any additional learning at this tender age at home or preschool can stunt a child’s mind. It must be allowed to develop at its own pace under loving care. If a local preschool tells you differently and wishes to admit a child at three please do ...